Tuesday, August 17, 2010

We've Had Enough......

             There is a lot of hate in this world, for reasons that I could never understand, particularly Racism. I had a conversation with my sister in my car one afternoon and I asked her " How and why did Racism begin in the first place"?? If you were seeing somebody of a different skin color or race for the first time, how does it enter into your mind that you are better than them because you are lighter then them. As we all know racism has been going on for what seems like forever, and even though we have come a long way, there still is racism going on today. I was checking out a Michael Jackson forum page when I stumbled upon a post where someone was talking about how they were searching for a hip-hop page and accidentally was brought into a page dedicated to racism. What really stood out to me is that there was a section on their site that was dedicated to Michael Jackson!!, not Beyonce, not Jay-Z, not Lil Wayne but specifically and only Michael.
I first of all don't understand how this site could even exist, I think the whole idea of it is absolutely ridiculous, and worse it has over 3,000 members!! I can't understand how they could decide to attack the most honest, loving, caring and generous black entertainer out there.

          As stated in the forum post the writer said that on the racist site they were saying that they were glad that Michael was dead and called him a racist slur, which I will not repeat on this blog post. I believe all of this hate stems from jealousy and the fact that they are insecure about themselves, and worst of all I also think they are racist because they were raised that way. Michael himself has said in a magazine interview that " Children are not born prejudice, Prejudice is taught." I really believe racism all together could stop if every one could just take the time to teach love, not hate. Of course it is never that simple, when you  are dealing with a world filled with Bad Childhoods, Judgement, Hate, and War there seems to be less and less room for Love and Change to come through.

         Here is something for you guy's to think about though. We all know that Michael suffers from a skin disease Vitiligo that is a disease that turns your skin white. Michael's skin has been white since the 90's so why are these racist sites still hating on Michael after all these years in 2010?? Because in the end, it has nothing  to do with whether his skin is black or white, it has to do with how these people were raised, Jealousy, Insecurity and Ignorance.  All racism seems to teach is how to hate, regardless of your skin color, so that even if your the same color as them you still aren't good enough for them. Michael has felt that he was wrongly treated at Sony and that they were treating him unfairly and not marketing his albums the way they were supposed to because of his race.

      It seemed that all they cared about was making money and forgot that Michael was the Artist, and that without his hard work they wouldn't have any of his amazing music to release. Michael was a human being just like the rest of us. People forgot that he cuts, bleeds and has feelings just like they do. I think that is what racism is all about, it doesn't realize that we are all the same, we are all one. How boring would this world be if we all looked and acted the same anyway!! For all of the Non-MJ fans this is just a small taste of the pain that Michael had to endure in his life by being discriminated against and hopefully by reading this you can understand him a little better. For all of the fans I would like to hear your input on how you feel about this crazy racist page against Michael.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Man In the Mirror.....

      There are a lot of judgements made on Michael because of his appearance. I hate hearing the jokes made about his nose and the media lies about how he had a prosthetic nose, and all of these other crazy types of surgeries. People don't stop to think about what Michael had to go through in his childhood, and how he was constantly teased by his father about his bad skin condition and nose as a teenager. As if it weren't enough that he had to be teased as a adolescent by his own father, he then had to experience it with the media as an adult. I always think to myself " when will it end " ?? Will he ever be able to be accepted as a person and not constantly be made fun of.?? All of the media reports and t.v specials that talk about Michael's life always seems to blame his father for the reason why he has done plastic surgery on his face, I guess it was a indirect way off taking blame away from them. Through the years all they have done is criticize how he looks, particularly his nose, and then judge him when he gets surgery, as if they were surprised that he decided to get surgery on the one thing they seem to make fun of the most.

       Everybody has insecurities, but not everybody is the most successful Entertainer in the world. He must have felt like he was under intense pressure to be perfect and like he had to fit into everybody's fantasies. The pressure on him must have been intense, because the average person feels huge pressure to look a certain way , espeacially when their in high school;  but there is always going to be someone that doesn't like you for whats on the outside, so you  just have to be you and by doing that your true beauty will show.

        Michael has said himself in interviews that he hasn't had that much surgery, and when you compare pictures you can clearly see that he hasn't had many at all. He has always had high cheek bones, which is another rumor the media spread saying that he had cheek implants, which is totally false. Michael has only had surgery on his nose, and a dimple created in his chin, which was stated in his Autobiography book called Moon Walk. I just don't understand why the world has to focus so much on his outside appearance. He is the most successful entertainer of all time who comes around only once in a lifetime, and the media and the world had the opportunity that the generations to be born after  his death will never have; which was to ask him questions about his music and dancing techniques. They had a chance to really get to the core of Michael and learn more about his unique love and caring for the world, and yet they decide to focus on asking him if he wanted to buy the Elephant Mans bones or if he slept in a hyperbaric chamber.

        The world will never really know just how amazing Michael really was, because they didn't care to find out when they had the chance. Of course we all know the love and humanitarianism and talent he has let us see of him , but I think there was so much left to discover about Michael, that we will never know. I think there was so much more love, heart, and emotions that could have been revealed to us, if the media wasn't so busy trying to break him down and hurt him. I think everyone should look at themselves in the mirror and realize that no one is perfect, we all look different for a reason. There is no definition of beauty because beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so before you judge Michael's or anyone else's appearance, you should realize that just because you don't think someone is beautiful and perfect, it doesn't mean that god doesn't. In the end Gods opinion is the only one that matters.For all of the Non-MJ fans, just try to put yourself in his position and try to imagine how it would feel to be constantly judged by your appearance by people that don't even know you or worse ; by people that do know you. For the fans thank you for seeing Michael's true beauty.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Loud Silence....

          Today I wanted to address all of the MJ haters. This is not to offend any of the Non-MJ fans that are reading and trying to at least learn the truth, but it is more for the people who know the truth but still decide to hate Michael anyway. I understand that in this world there is always going to be somebody that doesn't like you for whatever reason. I just can't understand when people take it so far as to personally go out of there way to slander MJ on his fan sites, Face book fan pages, and YouTube video pages. It always kills me when I think about when Michael was alive and the fact that he obviously used the computer. I have always hoped that he hasn't read the comments under his YouTube video's or fan pages. It makes me so sad because he has gone through his life feeling so unloved at times and that is the last thing he needed to see.The world to me just sometimes seems like it's one big high school. It has it's labels, It criticizes, It judges, It has hierarchy. I don't even understand why high school is that way.

      Why cant we all just love one another and be more accepting, and realize that everybody is different. That is all Michael did, but since there are always people that don't like you, those groups of people decided to make up lies against Michael and then all of the sudden it becomes the gospel. I just don't understand why the MJ haters would take so much time out of their day to write these things, if he didn't matter to them on some conscious level. I guess it may have to do with jealousy and insecurity or they could have possibly have had bad childhoods themselves. As I said in my other post, Victims of mental and physical abuse react to it in different ways, For MJ it was a positive reaction, but not everyone can handle negative life situations as well as he did. For all of the haters reading this I am not here to bash you and tell you to get a life, or offend you in any way because that has probably been done to you already by so many other people in your life, But what I do want to say is that God loves you and it is not your fault that you were hurt by whoever brought unhappiness in to your life.

        I think it maybe was just a test from God for you to overcome and become stronger. Im sure MJ has grown from his experiences, and I hope that one day you can grow too and realize that you probably have more in common with MJ then you think and that he handled his life extraordinarily well. For all of the Fans thank you for always showing MJ love, and not responding to all the negativity by using negativity, In a way its like Loud Silence, because you don't bring yourself down to that level by negatively responding back; You just say nothing at all. I guess it's like the old saying, if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it at all !!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

You Were There....

           As we all know, Michael has been a driving force in the music industry. He really raised the bar and made people see just how far the creativity with music can really go. Michael has been in the music industry for 40 years and It all started with the Jackson Five. He has worked so hard through the years to get where he was. He has sold over 100 million copies of Thriller, and has 4 of his albums in the greatest selling albums of all time list. He is also in the Guinness book of world records, one of the most notable to me is when they recognized him for being the most successful entertainer of all time!! Michael has done so much for the world through charities and with his music and dance. It aways saddens me when I think about how he didn't get as much love and respect  as he deserved regarding to how the media and the world treated him. I was actually watching Michael performed a song to Sammy Davis Jr. for Sammy's 60th anniversary T.V. special. This performance always makes me so sad because I just wish that Michael could have lived to be a lot older and have someone sing that song to him one day.

       Michael really did change the entertainment industry and he has knocked down so many doors. He inspired people to dream more, be more, and strive for more. He always did it with love and wanted the world to be a better place. I know for me personally he made me believe in Magic and he taught me not to limit myself and that the sky really is the limit !! Michael's music will always be here for us to cherish, and I'm glad that I was a part of a generation that included him in it. I am 20 years old now and because of his influence, I really appreciate the world and all of it's beauty and wonderment. I am really glad that Michael was here to show me and the rest of the world how to be more loving and caring people. For all of the Non-MJ fans, hopefully you can one day appreciate Michael and realize that a lot of the other music artists that you listen to, probably wouldn't be famous today if it weren't for Michael breaking so many barriers. For the fans, I would like to know if Michael has inspired you to be more creative and to strive to be a better person ?

                                  ~ Born to Amuse, To inspire, To Delight,
                                           You are the angels glow, that lights a
                                                 Star, The dearest things
                                                        I know, are what you are  ~

Friday, August 6, 2010

If I Could Change Michael's Past.....

           I always used to wonder to myself what it would be like if I could go back in time and change Michael's past. There are a lot of things that happened in Michael's life that caused him so much pain. If I could have gone back, I would have wrote him a letter that he could keep with him; telling him what to look out for in the future. If I had to choose only a few things It would be the more recent events. So here is a list of some of the thing's I would change: 

1.        I have to of course start off with telling him not to go near the Chandlers and Arvizos. I can only imagine how things would be now if they had never been aloud to enter into his life. Michael was never the same after those false accusations were put upon him and I think it must have really torn him up inside because he has such a pure love for children and they have always been his inspiration for his music, dances and poems. All they wanted was money and they didn't care who they had to hurt to get it.

2.        I would change the incident where he wanted to show his fans Blanket, and held him from his hotel balcony for them to see. The media of course, made a huge deal out of this and even went so far as to say that Michael wasn't a good father, even though Michael was holding blanket tight and strong in his arms. There are other parents all the time that take their kids to the park and throw them up in the air and try to catch them or swing them around in the air in a circle by their arms. Michael has said he would never hurt his children or any child and if he was trying to throw blanket off the balcony, then it obviously would have happened but it didn't because that wasn't his intention, he just wanted to show him to the fans.

3.      I would change the fact that there was never really anybody in his life that he could trust. Everybody always seemed to want something from him, and only wanted to be around him because he was famous. I just wish that he could have had a true friend that could have loved him for him and not because he was Michael Jackson. I hate that he was forced to have such a guard up because their were so many people in his life trying to do terrible things to him. I have even read reports that his employees that lived with him in Never land would steal things from him. A trust worthy person is always hard to find, especially for Michael in his position.

4.     Last but certainly not least, I would change him coming any where near Doctor. Murray, actually I would change who ever approved for him to become a doctor in the first place, because anyone who would give a wrong dosage of a drug, that he wasn't permitted to give out anyway, should not be aloud to work in that field. Michael would have probably still been with us if it weren't for this mistake.

         At the end of the day when I really think about it, I think it's better that everything stays as it is ,because all of the pain that Michael had to endure in his life made him a stronger and wiser person. He used his pain and put it into all of his amazing music and dance moves. It also showed us the incredible amount of love he had in his heart, because even after all of the terrible events in his life occurred, he still loved the world and still cared. Michael said he would never change his past, so I guess I wouldn't want to either. For all of the Non-MJ fans; I'm sure there are some reasons why your not a fan, so what would you change about MJ's past, that would have probably made you one ?? Also For the Fans, What would you write in your letter to Michael,  if you could change Michael's past??

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Good Night, Good Morning.....

               " Whats wrong with sharing your bed? The most Loving thing you can do is share your bed with someone." These are the words spoken by Michael in the Martin Bashir documentary, that was blown way out of proportion by the media and other people around the world. My insight on the whole thing is that I don't think their is any problem with sharing  a " sleeping space" with anyone else as long as their are no bad intentions and you are just going to sleep. I used the phrase sleeping space instead of bed because I think the world put too much emphasis on the word " bed " as if it was this huge deal. All a bed is made out of is cotton, fabric and springs inside of upholstery. It is no difference then if he would have fell asleep next to a child in a car if they were traveling on the road, on a couch if they were staying up late to watch a movie, or on an airplane flight. Going to sleep is just going to sleep. I don't see what is wrong with it, if there are no bad intentions. I'm sure most of you have also seen Michael Jackson's Private Home Movies T.V. special that he aired. In one scene he attends a Magic show sleepover party. At this party their are children as well as other adults. I think to myself every time I see that scene " Why is it o.k. for the other parents that were present at the event to sleep in the same space with the other children that were not related to them at all, and nobody says anything or thinks twice about it, but when Michael does it ; it is a big deal.

         I think it is very hypocritical of the world and the media to have seen this and not judge those parents and then judge Michael for doing the same thing in his home. My guess is that the viewers didn't judge the other parents because they assumed that all they were going to do that night was just go to sleep after the Magic show and other activities were over. So then why is it so hard to believe that Michael is doing the same thing when he has sleepovers at his home?? I know his situation stands out more because of the allegations made against him , but if people would just take the time to do simple research, such as looking up a few YouTube videos, they would all realize that those families were just trying to get money out of him and that there was no evidence found linking him to those accusations, but I will discuss that more in detail for my future blog post. I think the worlds mind is geared so much toward the negative because of everything that we hear in the news, that it clouds there judgment of realizing that their are still good, pure and loving people in this world.  I can understand why Michael wanted to have sleepovers, he wanted to fill a void in his life. Michael missed out on a lot of things from his childhood and one of those things were sleepovers. Mostly all of us has had the chance to experience that when we were little, so I think in Michael's mind he was just making up for lost times.

       There are also people who put a lot of emphasis on his age and they say that a man in his 40's shouldn't be sharing a bed with a child, but I think that age ain't nothing but a number and the world should be more concerned with his intentions and less about how long he has been living on this earth. Michael has said in many interviews that he would never hurt a child. Now I am not saying that in general you should just fall asleep next to anybody!! But I'm just basing my thoughts off of MJ's heart, purity and child-like personality and I don't think it would be wrong to fall asleep next to him. There are lots of people in this world with bad intentions, but Michael Jackson was not one of them. For the Non-MJ fans, if you have ever fallen asleep next to a child that is not related to you, would you think it would be fair to you for someone to suggest that you were doing more than just sleeping, even though you know you did nothing wrong ?? For all of the fans, well I'm sure you knew nothing went on between those children and MJ, except for them saying, Good Night and Good Morning to each other !! :)

Monday, August 2, 2010

Just Put On A Happy Face.....

      As we all know, Michael has been through so much pain, sadness and has been judged so many times, but yet through all of that he still had the will to help as many people as he could, donate to charities and still love the World. It amazes me how Michael was able to continue to perform and come out in public, even though there were terrible lies and rumors spread about him, out for the world to hear. To me, Michael seems incredibly strong and courageous. I think most people in his situation would have just locked themselves away from the world and become bitter and not care about anything or anyone, but MJ was the total opposite. He always visited sick children in hospitals and orphanages, he always cared about the state of the world, and wanted us to try to make it better, so that our future children could enjoy it the way we are able to, and he has donated an incredible amount of money to charities. 

         Of course the media rarely speaks about these things, but I just think it is amazing to think of how much pain MJ has been through and how he could look on the bright side of everything. Michael's spirit is one that I think will never be matched, it was so unique and so special. I think that no matter what you do people are always going to judge you, so I think that might be why Michael just decided that he wouldn't give up on any of the charitable deeds that he wanted to do for the world, because he knew it was something that he wanted to do out of the kindness of his heart, regardless of the media lies circulating about him. At the end of the day Michael was able to have a smile on his face and hide his pain in order to get things done. For all of the Non-MJ fans you have to at least respect the strength that he had through all of the tabloid drama, and think about how you would react if those lies were being spread about you!! For all the fans, I'm sure you were a big reason why MJ kept on Smiling!! :)