There is a lot of hate in this world, for reasons that I could never understand, particularly Racism. I had a conversation with my sister in my car one afternoon and I asked her " How and why did Racism begin in the first place"?? If you were seeing somebody of a different skin color or race for the first time, how does it enter into your mind that you are better than them because you are lighter then them. As we all know racism has been going on for what seems like forever, and even though we have come a long way, there still is racism going on today. I was checking out a Michael Jackson forum page when I stumbled upon a post where someone was talking about how they were searching for a hip-hop page and accidentally was brought into a page dedicated to racism. What really stood out to me is that there was a section on their site that was dedicated to Michael Jackson!!, not Beyonce, not Jay-Z, not Lil Wayne but specifically and only Michael.
I first of all don't understand how this site could even exist, I think the whole idea of it is absolutely ridiculous, and worse it has over 3,000 members!! I can't understand how they could decide to attack the most honest, loving, caring and generous black entertainer out there.
As stated in the forum post the writer said that on the racist site they were saying that they were glad that Michael was dead and called him a racist slur, which I will not repeat on this blog post. I believe all of this hate stems from jealousy and the fact that they are insecure about themselves, and worst of all I also think they are racist because they were raised that way. Michael himself has said in a magazine interview that " Children are not born prejudice, Prejudice is taught." I really believe racism all together could stop if every one could just take the time to teach love, not hate. Of course it is never that simple, when you are dealing with a world filled with Bad Childhoods, Judgement, Hate, and War there seems to be less and less room for Love and Change to come through.
Here is something for you guy's to think about though. We all know that Michael suffers from a skin disease Vitiligo that is a disease that turns your skin white. Michael's skin has been white since the 90's so why are these racist sites still hating on Michael after all these years in 2010?? Because in the end, it has nothing to do with whether his skin is black or white, it has to do with how these people were raised, Jealousy, Insecurity and Ignorance. All racism seems to teach is how to hate, regardless of your skin color, so that even if your the same color as them you still aren't good enough for them. Michael has felt that he was wrongly treated at Sony and that they were treating him unfairly and not marketing his albums the way they were supposed to because of his race.
It seemed that all they cared about was making money and forgot that Michael was the Artist, and that without his hard work they wouldn't have any of his amazing music to release. Michael was a human being just like the rest of us. People forgot that he cuts, bleeds and has feelings just like they do. I think that is what racism is all about, it doesn't realize that we are all the same, we are all one. How boring would this world be if we all looked and acted the same anyway!! For all of the Non-MJ fans this is just a small taste of the pain that Michael had to endure in his life by being discriminated against and hopefully by reading this you can understand him a little better. For all of the fans I would like to hear your input on how you feel about this crazy racist page against Michael.