In this post I wanted to Address Jordan Chandler . This was the first case against Michael in 1993. As the media tells it; it was Jordan who had said that Michael had molested him, when in fact it was his father Evan Chandler who made up the allegations and Jordan said that Michael had never touched him. We all know by now that Evan Chandler was just out to get money from Michael. Evan Chandler was really into Michael spending time with his son at first until he became really jealous of their friendship. Evan felt left out and like he was a bad father, and then on top of that he was really into making movies and he wanted Michael to give him 20 million dollars to fund his movie, but Michael would not give him the money. Then all of a sudden he claims that Michael had molested his son!! And what does he do, he doesn't call the police like any other father would do, he goes straight to a lawyer and guess how much money he asks for?
Yes it was 20 million, exactly the amount Michael wouldn't give him to fund his movie. I don't know a parent in their right mind that would worry more about getting a paycheck then seeing justice done by making a person who molested their child go to jail. So there is your first sign that it was all just a well thought out plan by Evan Chandler to get money from Michael. At some point later on ; Evan Chandler ( who was formerly a dentist ) said that he had done some tooth work on Jordan and that Jordan then admitted to being molested. The only reason he admitted that was because his father Evan had administered a drug that he was not supposed to use called Sodium Amytal. Evan was not supposed to administer this drug to Jordan in a dental office setting, which he did, He was supposed to administer it in a hospital setting only, and with a anesthesiologist present. .
That shows me that he was trying to be sneaky and give this drug to his son, so he could be able to plant these memories of molestation in his child's head. The drug Sodium Amytal is a drug that creates false memories in those that take it. You can simply ask the patient a question and then that will become their memory, such as asking if someone had molested you, if you ask them that question or make that statement, then they will then believe that they were actually molested. Evan had no business using that drug in the first place, because all he was doing was pulling out Jordan's tooth, and there are safer drugs to use for that procedure but instead he decided to use a drug that just happened to be a mind altering drug, just so he could implant these false lies in his child's head.
The case never made it to court because when Michael had heard and seen all of the frenzy and hate from the public and media, he decided he just wanted it to all go away. Michael knew he was innocent and he also knew this trial could go on for years, and he had albums and tours he wanted to do, so his advisers told him it would be best to settle. They settled for 20 million. Some of the money goes to Jordan in a trust fund and he will be paid by a court appointed trustee. I would like to add that before Evan decided to falsely accuse Michael, he made sure that he had obtained custody of his son, because he knew that whatever money Jordan would win in the case; Evan would be able to have access to it. This case was only about money from the beginning to end , The only victim in this case was Michael. For the Non-MJ fans and MJ fans, I would like you to watch the video's below which include Evan Chandler speaking on the phone about his plans to destroy Michael and set him up and other videos that prove his innocence.