Sunday, July 18, 2010

The Lonely Side Of MJ.....

       Michael Jackson was a very lonely person, he was never able to see the real side of most people which resulted in him not really being able to have true friends he could really trust. There of course was Elizabeth Taylor and others who he was very close to, but when I hear and watch him speaking about how lonely he is, I could feel what he was saying and understand him, even though I am obviously not a celebrity and haven’t experienced that type of life of extreme fame. I could understand his pain and that he didn’t want to be judged and he just wanted to fit in, and feel like he was just like everybody else. MJ had to be isolated because he would get crowds of people around him every time he would try to go anywhere in public. Now I am sure most of you have seen the “Living with Michael” Martin Bashir interview. I remember one part in particular where he was in his hotel room in Las Vegas and Martin pointed out that he had “bizarre” mannequins’ in his room and other things.
         Martin tried to twist everything MJ has done and he tried to make him look like he was crazy. My perspective on the mannequin’s is that, I think MJ liked them because they were the closest thing to human association he could get that wouldn’t judge him, be fake to him or hurt him. There presence could just be there and he could feel like he belongs. This behavior makes perfect sense to me, It’s a way for him to not feel so lonely. For all of you Non-MJ fans, hopefully one day you can understand some of MJ’s behaviors that you label as “weird” and realize that he was is in a unique situation of celebrity fame that caused him to have to constantly be isolated and lonely. When you really think about it, those “weird” situations are very logical and makes a lot of sense. Here is a video below to help you understand MJ better.For the fans,thank you for showing MJ so much love, I am sure that you helped him get through all of those lonely days!! :)

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