Sunday, July 18, 2010

Michael Jackson's Manhood....

          Im sure most of you have heard the rumor about MJ being gay, I think this is so ridiculous. I am not saying that there is anything wrong with being gay at all, just so you all know, but I am saying that MJ is not. He has said it himself, also there are video’s that clearly show it and celebrity friends have also said he is straight.  Michael seems like he searches for beauty on the inside as well as the outside. I think that MJ has such a unique innocence about him. He's not like most men or celebrity men in the entertainment industry. He won’t just date anyone, he has to be able to trust that person and know that they are just not after his money. Im sure it’s hard to find someone like that, when your in his position.I don’t know how this crazy rumor was taken so far, because it is so obvious that he is straight.

           We all know MJ’s love for women and his special love for Diana Ross. Michael has been in love with Diana Ross since he was a kid and you can totally tell that when he is with her, his personality changes and he is really shy. That is pretty much how every guy acts when they are around a woman that they really like, so the proof is in his body language, but If you want more proof Michael loved Diana so much that he left his kids to her and control over the money that is given to them if his mother Katherine can no longer take care of them. The money left to his kids is something like 30 million or more since he has recently made 1 Billion dollars since he has passed away. I don’t know about you guys, but that sounds like love to me!! He trusted and loved her enough to take his kid’s over his own brothers and sisters or other family members that could have taken them if Katherine couldn’t take care of them anymore. That really is true L-O-V-E. For all of you Non-MJ fans, I have some videos below so you can see for yourself and in them you will be able to see the love in MJ’s eyes and know that him being gay was just another tabloid rumor!! For the fans, ….well you knew MJ loved women all along anyway!! Lol

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