I've recently noticed how everyone has been trying to take Michael's spot as the " New " King of Pop. They have been saying Jay-z , Usher, Justin Timberlake and others are soon going to take Michael's place. Although these artists are talented I don't believe they have done enough to deserve to take Michael's spot. I honestly believe that no one ever will be able to. It really makes me wonder why everyone is so quick to replace Michael but nobody ever tries to replace Elvis Presley as the King of Rock'n Roll or James Brown as the Godfather of soul. Why is everyone trying so hard to knock Michael down?
Michael didn't choose to call himself the King Of Pop; he earned it. I know that because there are so many celebrities calling themselves Icons or Kings of there genre, but that title doesn't stick. It doesn't stick because they didn't actually earn it the way Michael has. Once Elizabeth Taylor called Michael the King of Pop at an awards show, it stayed with him forever, because no one could deny all of his hard work. No one could deny the way he knocked down doors for so many other black artists and how he has the greatest selling album of all time.No one could deny how his music is immortal and changed so many people's lives.
And of course we cant forget the huge amount of awards that he has received throughout his career. People seem to be able to become celebrities almost over night and before you know it they are said to be the next " King of Pop ". Michael's career lasted over 40 years and throughout that time, we all know he had to deal with a lot of media drama and rumors. Being the King of Pop, is more than just recording a few great songs, I think it also involves being able to conquer everything else that comes with the industry as well. Like people constantly using you for money, not being able to leave the house and people constantly spreading lies to try to bring you down and take away your innocent identity.
I really think that Michael was the only one that could have endured all that he went through because of his wonderful faith in God and all of the values that were taught to him at a very young age. He is naturally just a very giving, magical and loving person. All of his songs have a positive message that we will have with us to listen to forever.There is no " next King of Pop " there is only one King of Pop and his name is Michael Jackson. For all of the Non-MJ fans and the fans, I hope you can study the picture above, I really like it because it captures a lot of what Michael has done throughout his life and his accomplishments. All of you can also watch the video below to see where Michael was first officially called the King Of Pop!!

Friday, December 31, 2010
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
The Innocent Connection.......
Many people have always wondered why Michael Jackson enjoyed being around children so much. He would always say that he saw the face of God in children, he loves their level of innocence and that they inspire him. I mean When you think about it, there aren't really many adults with the same level of innocence that children have; so I think that made it harder for Michael to connect with adults the way he could with children. I wonder if maybe he was so drawn to their innocence because it was so much like his own. For example, I'm a pretty cheerful, friendly person and I enjoy being around people that are the same. When I do meet people who are cheerful and friendly, I become drawn to them and I want to be around them because they are not intimidating and they make me feel comfortable and happy. Children had the same energy and innocence that Michael had. I don't even know if he was aware of it, but I really think that is a huge reason why he was able to feel so comfortable and happy around them. Children didn't want anything from him but to be his friend and Michael didn't want anything from them but to be their friend.
With children you don't have to worry about impressing them, saying all the right things or worry about the troubles in your life; you can just be yourself. Michael was one of the rare few that had that same level of innocence. There are a lot of adults that dont value children's existence the way that Michael did. I think that was a big reason why Michael was so misunderstood. I think if more people took the time to connect with their own innocence and surround themselves with innocent children, there would probably be less corruption and distrust in the world. If nothing else they would probably be more creative. I notice that people are most creative when they are children due to the fact that they are not afraid to push boundaries and dream the impossible. As we get older we get more practical and held down by what society says we should be. I think that is why Michael is the best at what he did; he was able to keep the imagination and dreams he had as a child and turn them into a reality.He really was a magical person because he was able to keep what so many other people lose. He kept his innocence.
For all of the non-MJ fans, I hope that this helps you to understand a little better why he cared so much for children and wanted to be around them. For all of the Fans thank you for understanding Michael's inner spirit.
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Behind The Tabloids........
I was watching a Barbara Walters interview on Michael Jackson and she asked him this question that really caught my attention she said " Is it the presses job to always be kind? " Michael answered- " Their should be some boundaries and they should consider that I have a heart." I totally agree with him !! It's strange how the tabloids and paparazzi are talked about almost as if the stories write themselves and their is no one controlling it. In reality there is a person sitting behind a desk writing these stories. There is a person behind that camera taking as many pictures as they can. I think the problem is that the public gives the media so much power, that they don't even realize it. They purchase the tabloids and It seems like everything the media writes becomes the gospel for so many of them. There are also a lot of tabloids disguising themselves as reliable magazine and news paper resources.That is why it is so hard to convince people of the truth when it actually comes out. If the people writing these articles wanted to be fair and kind in every article; they have the power to do that!
If the paparazzi wanted to respect Michael's space and not bother him when he is trying to walk down the street; they can do that. I believe that the media is negative most of the time simply because it wants to be. They have way too much control and that has hurt so many people's lives. I believe that is why Michael would say in some interviews that we should have a tabloid burning. He would also tell us to not spend our money on it, because when your buying it; your not buying the truth. I think that we only fuel the fire when we take the time to watch shows like TMZ or buy tabloid magazines. If we didn't they would go out of business and the truth could be left in more professional hands. For all of the non-Mj fans I hope you realize that a lot of the things you have read in the tabloids about Michael have been lies and that you shouldn't buy into it. For all of the fans, there is a message for you on the pillow in the photo which was written by Michael Jackson when he stayed in a hotel !!
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
What You Dont Know.....
Have any of you heard celebrity or media interviews about Michael Jackson where they talk about some of the things he went through? They say things like; “ He was just sensitive, we have all had acne and got beatings and have been made fun of when we were younger”. I think that - yeah a lot of people suffered acne, have felt lonely, had been made fun of, had to get beatings and maybe didn’t have much of a childhood, but You didn’t have to suffer from acne and then go on stage in front of thousands of people, You didn’t have to have your looks being picked apart by fans who were used to seeing you look a certain way, You didn’t have to get a beating because you missed a dance move, You didn’t have to miss your childhood because you had to spend hours working in a studio or going on interviews and photo shoots. You didn’t feel lonely because you couldn’t find a friend that liked you for Who you are instead of What you are. So please don’t say we all went through the same thing, because there is only one Michael Jackson and he was the only one that had to endure his own pain. For all of the non-MJ fans I hope that you can realize that problems that seem everyday and normal to you, were probably devastating and unbearable for Michael. For all of the fans I bet your love and support is what helped Michael overcome a lot of obstacles.
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Are You A Real Fan?.......
I wanted to address in this post, all of the new MJ fans as well as the old ones. While visiting some Michael Jackson fan pages, I noticed a lot of people telling other fans that they aren't "really fans" just because they didn't grow up with Michael all of their life like they did. They would say " What do you know about Michael Jackson? Your just a kid ". On that subject I would like to say that I have seen younger people who know every lyric to MJ's songs and know all the tours, facts and rumors; while older adults forgot most of those things along the way and barely listen or support him as much as his newer fans do. There would also be people the same age as each other saying " Your not a real fan, because you haven't liked him as long as I have "!! I think that the amount of time you have been aware of Michael, has nothing to do with how strongly you care about him!! Then there would be the new fans being attacked because they didn't know about Michael while he was alive.
I think of it this way, lets say you were born the day after Michael passed away, and when you discover his music, you learn and love everything about him while another person who has grown up with him all of there lives doesn't even really care about him that much anymore. Does that make the younger person less of a fan? Of course not!! I think as MJ fans we should all be more considerate of peoples feelings, and realize that fans are fans no matter what age or how long you have been one!! I hope that all of the Non-Mj fans can realize this, and hopefully if you become fans one day, you will get the respect you deserve. I hope soon that more and more people learn the truth about MJ and see past all of the media lies, and if they do; they just might become fans as well!! If they do I hope all of the current fans welcome them with open arms. I would definitely like to hear any stories that you all have of people saying you are not "real" fans and why!!
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Michael Didn't Fall, He Was Pushed......
I could never understand the rumors of when the media would say Michael was making a come back or that his career had been over for a while. Michael never stopped making music, he was in a level of his own that no one has been able to reach and that nobody will ever reach. The media is the reason for the last years of his life being focused more on rumors and less on his music. They really set it up that way to make it seem like he wasn't focused on his career and was just hiding out in Never land, when that wasn't the case. Michael was always listening to the latest music; and songs that you wouldn't even think he was listening to. Michael's creativity and vision was something that was his own and can't ever be duplicated.
I know this because we are all unique. There will never be anyone else that can do something exactly the way that you can do certain things. That's just the way it is, and that is why I can strongly say there will never be another person with the same talent level as Michael Jackson. Still, the media tried to break him any other way they could, even though they knew they couldn't do it creatively; they definitely tried to push Michael over the edge.The O2 tours wouldn't have had to seem like a comeback anyway, if he didn't have to deal with people trying to hurt him and making rumors about him to try to get paid.
He had to waste a lot of his time throughout his career going to court for ridiculous things such as unknown music producers suing him because they thought that Michael had stole songs from them; which wasn't true and there is a video of the trial below for you to listen to, and the biggest time waster was the widely know child molestation charges, which weren't true and that was really shocking and devastating to him. The media wants Michael to be the bad guy, they want him to be guilty but the truth always prevails and in the end it did. Michael was just an innocent creative man who just wanted to create great music and make people happy. For all of the Non-MJ fans I just want you to know that real talent never dies and therefore doesn't need to "comeback". For all the fans I know you were all there every step of the way!!
Sunday, December 5, 2010
No More " Wacko Jacko ".......
I don't know why the media feels the need to disrespect Michael's name by calling him " Wacko Jacko ". The media started calling him this name before he passed away around 1986 and it started because THEY made the rumors up that Michael wanted to buy the Elephant Mans bones and that he sleeps in a hyperbaric chamber, both of which are not true. I find it crazy that the media has the nerve to call Michael wacky when they are the ones who chose to spend their lives starting rumors, lies and hurting other people just to make a little money.
To me they are the crazy ones, life is precious and a gift and Michael chose to spend his life making people happy with his music and dancing and spreading awareness of how we should heal our world and help the children. Now to me that seems completely normal, but it seems like today we live in a world where majority rules, so if a huge portion of the world cares less about trees and more about cars, less about children and more about drinking, less about our environment and more about the Sunday night game; then everyone else has to do the same or else they are "wacky" or " weird ".
This seems to be the case with why Michael was treated so poorly while he was trying to do good in the world, people just didn't care. They thought he was strange for being caring and loving, probably because people assume most superstars would be selfish and have huge egos and only care about themselves. Michael was rare and I guess rare these days translates as " wacky " to the media and others. It wasn't Michael that brought the name " Wacko Jacko" onto himself, it was the media.
They made up so many rumors and lies that people started to believe them. In case their is any confusion his name is " Michael " not " Wacko" and " Jackson " not " Jacko ". I hope that the media can catch on to that one day and show him more respect. To all of the Non-MJ fans I hope that you can realize that it's pretty much the media that is wacky , not Michael Lol. For all of the fans thank you for always showing Michael the respect he deserved.
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