Saturday, January 22, 2011

I Want To Take You Higher......

                 One time when Michael was speaking with some of his fans, a little boy came up to him to ask a question. The boy asked " Is it true that your using female hormones to make your voice higher?" Michael said " No!! Where did you hear a story like that?" The boy said that he had heard it from some of his friends at school. We all know that Michael has been singing since he was 5 years old. Once he made it to Motown He had a vocal coach to help him work on hitting high notes, low notes and any note in between. Michael has said many times that he is a perfectionist. He would practice his singing and dancing for hours until it was just right. With all of this rehearsing and practicing, it allowed his voice to reach higher notes even as he was growing and maturing to have a naturally deeper speaking voice. The voice box is a muscle and like any muscle if you constantly are using it and flexing it; it will grow stronger!! This is exactly what happened to Michael's voice.

             I think he always had a strong voice, but just in different ways as he began to mature. I listen to a lot of his songs from the Jackson 5 days, and he hits high notes like no one else. It's amazing to listen to. One of the songs where Michael hits a lot of lower notes and high notes is in a song called " All the things you are" It is in a video below for all of you who have not heard it yet. You can clearly hear his amazing voice range, even from such a young age. As Michael got older and his voice still maintained it's pitch, the media started rumors saying that he was taking female hormones to make his voice higher. Michael has said that he doesn't even know what a female hormone pill looks like. This was definitely just another crazy rumor!! They are now saying that Justin Beiber is taking female hormones to keep his voice higher!! When will the media stop? There is a video below for you to watch that is a voice training lesson that Michael did with his voice trainer Seth Riggs, It's really great. You can hear his high range,a little of his lower range, but either way it is all  Michael's NATURAL voice.

1 comment:

  1. Very informative, keep posting such good articles, it really helps to know about things.
