Thursday, August 12, 2010

Man In the Mirror.....

      There are a lot of judgements made on Michael because of his appearance. I hate hearing the jokes made about his nose and the media lies about how he had a prosthetic nose, and all of these other crazy types of surgeries. People don't stop to think about what Michael had to go through in his childhood, and how he was constantly teased by his father about his bad skin condition and nose as a teenager. As if it weren't enough that he had to be teased as a adolescent by his own father, he then had to experience it with the media as an adult. I always think to myself " when will it end " ?? Will he ever be able to be accepted as a person and not constantly be made fun of.?? All of the media reports and t.v specials that talk about Michael's life always seems to blame his father for the reason why he has done plastic surgery on his face, I guess it was a indirect way off taking blame away from them. Through the years all they have done is criticize how he looks, particularly his nose, and then judge him when he gets surgery, as if they were surprised that he decided to get surgery on the one thing they seem to make fun of the most.

       Everybody has insecurities, but not everybody is the most successful Entertainer in the world. He must have felt like he was under intense pressure to be perfect and like he had to fit into everybody's fantasies. The pressure on him must have been intense, because the average person feels huge pressure to look a certain way , espeacially when their in high school;  but there is always going to be someone that doesn't like you for whats on the outside, so you  just have to be you and by doing that your true beauty will show.

        Michael has said himself in interviews that he hasn't had that much surgery, and when you compare pictures you can clearly see that he hasn't had many at all. He has always had high cheek bones, which is another rumor the media spread saying that he had cheek implants, which is totally false. Michael has only had surgery on his nose, and a dimple created in his chin, which was stated in his Autobiography book called Moon Walk. I just don't understand why the world has to focus so much on his outside appearance. He is the most successful entertainer of all time who comes around only once in a lifetime, and the media and the world had the opportunity that the generations to be born after  his death will never have; which was to ask him questions about his music and dancing techniques. They had a chance to really get to the core of Michael and learn more about his unique love and caring for the world, and yet they decide to focus on asking him if he wanted to buy the Elephant Mans bones or if he slept in a hyperbaric chamber.

        The world will never really know just how amazing Michael really was, because they didn't care to find out when they had the chance. Of course we all know the love and humanitarianism and talent he has let us see of him , but I think there was so much left to discover about Michael, that we will never know. I think there was so much more love, heart, and emotions that could have been revealed to us, if the media wasn't so busy trying to break him down and hurt him. I think everyone should look at themselves in the mirror and realize that no one is perfect, we all look different for a reason. There is no definition of beauty because beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so before you judge Michael's or anyone else's appearance, you should realize that just because you don't think someone is beautiful and perfect, it doesn't mean that god doesn't. In the end Gods opinion is the only one that matters.For all of the Non-MJ fans, just try to put yourself in his position and try to imagine how it would feel to be constantly judged by your appearance by people that don't even know you or worse ; by people that do know you. For the fans thank you for seeing Michael's true beauty.

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