Sunday, July 18, 2010

What is Normal Anyway??

             Michael Jackson is always being talked about as being weird, wacky and not normal.I think this is ridiculous, the United States cultural views and expectations of how someone should behave are so narrow!! If you sneeze wrong they look at you and called you weird. If you were to go to another country like Australia where they eat Kangaroos because of the over population of them, or in Mongolia where nomads there kill there own animals themselves for food, and in Africa where you can drive around in some parts and see lions and antelope walking around!! Some people would think that is weird, but everybody has different views of what is normal or not, I dont think it is right that people stereotype him as being weird,because what is weird to one person is normal to someone else.
               Michael had to suffer alot because of being judged so much over things that weren't even a big deal. I think before we judge him or anyone else we should just remember that these "weird" acts done by Michael is just a negative opinion by another person that has no fact to it. I mean just think back to the first years when the earth was created and there was the very first group of people. It all starts with one person making a comment that what you are doing is not right and then all of the sudden that becomes the new "rule" and if you break it your different and weird. I think that is wrong, we are all different, that is what makes the world go round!! Nobody technically is weird at all , if you think about it. So for all of you non-MJ fans, think about this blog before you judge Michael or anyone else and just remember this question"What is Normal Anyway"??
Here is a Quote from Michael : "No one should judge what I’ve done with my life, not unless they’ve been in my shoes every horrible day & every sleepless night."

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