Sunday, July 18, 2010

Why The Media Attacks MJ !!

       Have you ever wondered why the media is always attacking, lying and trying to hurt MJ’s career?? Well I have some thoughts that might explain why they do. First I would like to say that I am not trying to justify what the media does to MJ and make it look like it’s ok for them to do what they are doing because of the things I will say below, but I do think that it plays a major part in why they attack him so much. My first thought is that throughout MJ’s T.V interviews that he has done, MJ had repeatedly told the viewers watching to not read the tabloids, Do not purchase the magazines, and Do not believe pretty much anything they say because about 90% of it is just not true!! Now as we all know MJ is the biggest superstar in the world Ever!! So it would be no surprise to me if the day after Mj had said those things, that all tabloid magazine sales and tabloid TV. ratings would go to a halt or have a huge decrease and they would all be out of business!! Yes, I do believe MJ has that effect on the world!! Lol, but anyway I think when the media kept hearing MJ saying these things, they felt threatened and probably worried that a huge sales decrease or halt would occur, so they tried to make him look as bad as they possibly could, so that people would focus less on what he is saying and more about what he is doing.

They have spread so many lies in attempt to make him look bad and themselves look better. Once they were able to make people focus more on what he was doing, they then spread false accusations of him about the court trials, his appearance, and his personal life. There are so many people left in the world that I think would be MJ fans had it not been for the media's lies and I just hope you can pay attention to my blog posts and not what the media has said because I will only be posting the truth!! I have a video below of MJ talking about how terrible the media is.So for all of you non-MJ fans tell me some of the things you have heard from the media that has made you not like MJ and then I can give you the truth so you can have a better understanding and come to like him, and for all of the fan’s Thank you for sticking by MJ through all the media Garbage!! I would like to hear your stories too about why you never bought into there lies and stayed true to your beliefs??

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